Monday, September 3, 2007

Week 6 Thing 14 Technorati

I was somewhat confused about Technorati searching until I found the advanced search page at: .

I tried a keyword search which yielded 3522 results under "learning 2.0". I noted that using quotes works best for phrases. I got 201 blogs in the tag search, at least 1 in german, 1 french and a lot from Maryland. The directory search got similar results at 214 blogs. I thought it was interesting that blogging seems to be an international experience. I was surprised to note that the 3rd top favorited blog was China Travel, again showing that the whole world is blogging.

I noted that one of the top searches was the word blogs. Why would you search the word "blogs" under a blog finding tool? Maybe people enter something like "blogs about ..." This seemed odd. I also learned that I am not the only person who doesn't remember how to spell utube (youtube).

Some of the top blogs were the same as the top favorited blogs such as Boing Boing and Tech crunch and Engadget.

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